Sunday, February 23, 2020

Had an urge to post something..and after turning on the thinking cap for some time, thought of putting up few lines that I had penned sometime back for my Great Grand Father - who has been a true source of inspiration for our entire clan. Though he may not be present among us, but he is the one power that has tied his generations with an intense bond.
Though these are very generic lines but these words are so true that they make me proud - proud to be part of his generation, offers a great learning and motivates me till depth whenever I listen about his stories -be it his business vision or his personal accomplishments.
Had written these lines for the website that is being designed to depict the business goals and lists all the trading firms that are being operated by his multi generation family as of today spread across different parts of the nation.

Shri Pem Chand Ji Baid  an iconic figure from the history of Baid Genealogy, a man with eminent characteristics, conferred with enormous sanity and intelligence.
He was the man bestowed with immense wisdom and intellect. Countless incidents we have heard of, where he exhibited super heroic strength during the times of struggle, always standing as a backbone for family.
Always showcasing patience, he had a very composed personality. All his success stories till date imbibes into the growing minds of his fourth generation of kids, implanting a spark of inspiration. Showering love and affection in abundance was one of his distinct qualities that would be adored by generations.
A flourishing empire enriched with values of harmony and peace is something he always envisioned of. He was the one who valued other members opinion before taking any business decision, and thus gave every one an equal in depth opportunity to think independently. His philosophy and intelligence reflected through the strong business sense he carried. As an outcome we can see that it’s all due to the great learning from him which has let his generations uplift the pillars of success thriving in this world with a weave of skills and competency.
To us, he truly is the man behind the growth of ‘Baid Lineage’. He indeed was a person with silver in his hair and gold in his heart.