Friday, December 31, 2010

HaPpY nEw YeAr..!!!

Siting and scribbling,
thinking of memories in swing,

waiting for hour new,

bidding the moment adieu,

ready to celebrate,

the happiness to felicitate.

the eve of joy an pleasure,
may bring contentment beyond measure,
along with anticipations to surpass,
new hopes to encompass,

opening doors to opportunities new,
experiences and achievements to grow.
gathering the memoirs of laughter,

to be cherished as a treasure,

thanks to people i got to know, old and new from all horizons,

to my life you added, different colors.

promising to stay tuned in pace,
this year may bring smiles on your face.
Wishing all wishes to be true,

pain and sorrow, be vanished in the year new.

Life to be lived with a zeal,

afresh and incredible may be the feel.

A very warm welcome to the year 2011.
Wish you all buddies a very happy, glorious, prosperous and rocking New Year.

May this year fill your lives with all joy and happiness, and gets you all you've been hoping for.
